
The history of Correia & Associados begins in 1998 when, in the end of their practise as trainees, Inês Oliveira, Artur Correia and Sandra Mónica Correia began a partnership to start a small law office in the centre of Caldas da Rainha.

In 2000 they formally signed the articles of association of “Oliveira, Correia & Correia – Sociedade de Advogados”. It was, at the time, only the second law firm to have legal existence in Caldas da Rainha.

The firm kept its original name even after the partner Inês Oliveira resolved to leave the profession to start a carreer in the Public Notary sector.

In 2001 both partners were elected to represent the Bar Association in the parish of Caldas da Rainha (Delegação da Ordem dos Advogados).

2004 was a very important year for the firm, as two of the most prominent Lawyers in Caldas da Rainha, with whom the firm already maintained a tight collaboration – Luis Ribeiro and José Carlos Sanches – joined the firm to start a new project to expand.

The firm changed it’s name to “José Carlos Sanches, Luis Ribeiro, Correia & Correia – Sociedade de Advogados, R.L.” (aka SRCC), and moved to a new building purchased for that purpose, at Rua Coronel Soeiro de Brito. At that time, beyond the partners, the firm also hired two Of Counsel Attorneys, Manuela Cabral and Ana Correia da Fonseca.

2010 was another important year in the project: the partners resolved to go back to the collaboratin scheme, which they thought it was the best startegic positioning in the legal market, which, meanwhile, has undergone some important changes. The firm demergered into two: SRCC continues its existence now belonging only to José Carlos Sanches and Luís Ribeiro; and the partners Artur Correia and Sandra Mónica Correia started Correia & Associados.

Our’s is a fifteen year history of commitment to make a difference.

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u00c1reas de Pru00e1tica

As Nossas
Com dois su00f3cios - Artur Correia e Sandra Mu00f3nica Correia - desenvolvemos a nossa actividade na u00e1rea da advocacia generalista.nEstamos habilitados a trabalhar em todas as u00e1reas do Direito, o que fazemos quotidianamente. Esta polivalu00eancia permite-nos ter uma visu00e3o alargada sobre todos os aspectos juru00eddicos de cada problema que nos u00e9 colocado, e organizar e planificar a soluu00e7u00e3o mais adequada para cada um deles.nOs cerca de 15u00a0anos de experiu00eancia profissional dos su00f3cios tu00eam-lhes conferido uma particular apetu00eancia pela resoluu00e7u00e3o de questu00f5es na u00e1rea do Direito Fiscal e
  • Direito Civil
  • Direito Penal
  • Direito Comercial
  • Direito Fiscal
  • Direito Administrativo
  • Famu00edlia e Menores